Enrolling in our activities

Enrolling is easy and payments can be made by cash, cheque/money order, bank transfer or EFTPOS/credit card at Mount Eliza Neighbourhood House office or via phone 9787 8160.

To enrol in our activities and classes you must be a member of Mount Eliza Neighbourhood House. Membership is $10 per financial year. Please fill in a membership form and make payment to become a member. Please note that you must be enrolled before you can attend and activity. 

If you are already a member, please use the renewal form 

Payments may be via cash, cheque, credit card or EFTPOS payments can be taken over the phone. Cheques are to be made out to ‘Mount Eliza Neighbourhood House’.

•          In Person: Monday to Thursday 9am – 4pm
90-100 Canadian Bay Rd, Mount Eliza

•          By Post: Attention Secretary, Mount Eliza Neighbourhood House
PO Box 130 Mount Eliza 3930

•          By Phone: (03) 9787 8160

•          By direct deposit: BSB No: 633 000 Account No: 144717816
Please put the first three letters of your surname in the reference line and return the form to
MENH e.g.SMI/membership